Getting into unmanageable credit card debt is easy. The challenge is finding relief and a credible organization to aid in the process. Charging utility bills, groceries, vehicle expenses and other items to credit cards may be convenient and even cost-effective if your card pays dividends on those purchases.
Tenerife the biggest of the group of islands known as Canary Islands, and people have been attracted to it for years. Tourists race to Tenerife to relax in the imported sand (from the Sahara, no less!) and gaze at the amazing black volcanic rock. One of the most appealing things…
History shows that the property cycle normally follows 4 phases as depicted below: In observing the current property market and discussing the current state of the property cycle with various clients we have noticed that property syndicates and property funds are again coming back into vogue as wholesale and retail…
Owning a home is something everyone aspires to, whether it’s early on in life or as they get older, wiser and richer from years of paid employment. However, it’s a dream that not everyone can fulfil for one reason or another, with finance being the main issue. Typically, it costs…
what does this mean for traders? For over four years, the base interest set by the Bank of England has remained at a historical low of 0.5%. Having been at that level for so long, some people are anticipating that a rise in the interest rate could happen sooner rather…
Getting a new credit card is not something you should rush into, at least not before you’ve done your research and carried out a full credit cards comparison of everything on the market. You should also assess the financial risks involved with owning a credit card – or using any…
There is no reason to be embarrassed about your money problems. The truth is, everyone experiences financial troubles from time to time. Being short on cash isn’t always an accurate indicator of how well you manage money.
There are two aspects of student life that you can almost guarantee: you will have a truly wonderful time, and you won’t have the slightest idea how you can ever afford it. The studying may be hard, but it’s usually accompanied by a social life that often seems to be…
Despite living in an age where social media and image sharing are at their absolute peak, sales for digital cameras have actually seen a slump recently.
There have been a number of changes to employment law this year that every employer should be aware of if they want to be up to date with the law.