Your credit report is the window into your financial state and the thing that most financial institutions will need to review in order to make decisions regarding lending you money or giving you credit. It is for this reason that you need to know what is on your credit report.
The mis-selling of Payment Protection Insurance (PPI) caused disaster in the United Kingdom in the past, when over one hundred thousand claims were dealt with by the Financial Ombudsman.
So, it is the end of the month and the bills are coming in, you need to get some groceries, the electric bill is due, and you are running out of petrol at an alarming rate.
When we think about personal finance and loans, we often find ourselves sitting with very difficult decisions to make.
Many people in today’s society find themselves in credit card debt and have no idea how to get themselves out of it. Here are a few helpful tips on how you can fix this problem and go on to live a debt free life.
Knowing how to manage your money is a very important part of every individual’s life. Every person needs to find a way to save some of their money, figure out how to spend it, and keep tabs on what is happening with it.