Top 10 Key Benefits of Virtual Office for Businesses


Are you looking to expand your business, but afraid to push through because of the costs? Or are you looking for a more effective routine for your talented but unmotivated employees? Whether you’re an old boss looking for inspiration or a new boss bursting with ideas but lack the resources, a virtual office is a great option for you. Believe it or not, it’s more beneficial than you think.

Here are 10 specific reasons why a virtual office is a must-try for any business owner!


#1 No need to put up with traffic
Traffic is either used as an excuse for being late or for a grumpy start of the day, including you. Avoid the hullabaloo and give yourself and your employees the stress-free opportunity of going to work in your jammies. Also, with the flexible hours most virtual offices have, it’s easier for everyone to settle in their jobs without being overly exhausted from long travels. Why go through that hassle when you’ve got a more convenient and practical virtual office to go to?


#2 It’s eco-friendly

Imagine all the energy that a regular office consumes: utility bills, miscellaneous expenses, and the aforementioned contribution to the daily traffic grind. You can skip all that and show lessen your carbon footprint with virtual offices. Think of all the energy you’d be saving because there would be no need to run a set of computers or air conditioners in the office. You do not still understand how youa re saving energy and money? Consider this scenario: if you were in the office, you would have to care about the air conditioners, which function continuously. This means that you would have to check whether the systems were working properly. Furthermore, if they were malfunctioning, you would have to call for technicians like Buric Heating and Air (who are known to be provider of Bethesda air conditioning services) who could do the job quickly. But since you are working remotely, you do not have worry about all these. Therefore, working remotely gives you the chance to not only save on costs, but save Mother Earth as well!


#3 Remote offices cater to Millennials

It’s the age of millennials, which means, it’s also the age of freelancing. Millennials are the main workforce all over the globe, and here’s the thing — most of them don’t like a regular 9 to 5 office set-up. Millennials value time and happiness over money, which means they’re going to pick jobs that cater to their working style or needs. Virtual offices is the perfect field to get these efficient and hardworking generation.


#4 Unlimited talent pool for a lower cost
Let’s say you’re not hiring millennials. You can’t deny that there are so many talented people outside your country, and you might be able to hire them for a much lower cost. For instance, most of these virtual offices choose to outsource from Asian countries, believing that they’re getting the same level of talent for lower salary demands compared to locals or walk-in applicants. It’s not just being able to do cheaper hires, but virtual offices creates an air of equal job opportunity for work at home parents, people with disabilities and other people who are only able to work from the confines of their homes.


#5 Different managerial techniques

Since virtual offices stray away from the usual day job or office routine, project managers or bosses would have to use different strategies that would maximise the team’s output, practices that would retain employees, both of which would eventually contribute to the business’s possible expansion. It’s a great way to learn a new set of skills, the same way employees themselves would need to practice doubling their “focus” in work rather than be distracted from whatever is happening at home.


#6 Everything is output based
When you’re working flexible hours, probably due to different timezones and different work schedules, micromanaging is out of the question. Hence, worker efficiency should be judged on their output. Look at the results and look at the numbers. For instance, tracking your people’s every move every single hour (time-based) will only exhaust you and drive them exhausted in trying to please you. It’s more work and paranoia for both parties. However, when you focus on the accomplished objectives instead, you’ll be able to gauge if they really gave it their all. You’ll know exactly what you’ll be paying them for. Although it may seem like trial by error at first, you’ll eventually be able to filter out the best employees to retain in your company for the long run. This will also make it easier for you to tell if something is amiss or lacking.


#7 Everything will have receipts

As mentioned in the previous number, virtual offices give bosses better opportunities to communicate with their employees compared to a big office. Any concern can be addressed right off the bat, one PM or one email away. It’ll also be easier for you to give them professional advice or tips — and know that both of you will have that email or message thread to go back to in the future. Whether you’re settling an internal dispute or need a reference for a previous client or task, you’ll always have soft copies of everything that is happening in your business.


#8 More working hours
Another benefit of virtual offices is the fact that people will tend to take less and less vacation days. Seeing as they don’t need to “unwind” as much due to office stress or whatever office-related reasons to skip work, you’ll be looking at a more productive team. That’s why if you manage to create a tenured group of remote workers, you can expect for a maximised work productivity throughout the week.


#9 Being able to invest in expansions

Since you’ve been able to save on money from utility bills and salaries are given to dedicated and hardworking employees — you’ll be able to get more clients and eventually put the money where it’s supposed to go. Building your empire is a lot more feasible when you’re working with a remote staff. Operating your office for less the cost will definitely set you up for more and bigger opportunities ahead!


#10 Happy employees, happier company

Virtual offices work well for both the company and the employee. It’s a win-win for everyone when a solid workforce is created, despite being office-less. Since remote employees are able to achieve a better work-life balance due to their personalised working hours, they’ll be able to perform better, no doubt unleashing the company’s potential for success.

Don’t let the fear of managing and paying rent for a physical office stop your dreams. Albeit challenging at first, there are countless benefits to hiring a remote staff. For example, it gives you the opportunity to interact and hire people from all over the country, and even the world. But if this is something you wanted to do, it may be worthwhile remembering that this can only be done if you incorporate the use of a wan (Wide-Area Network) into your technology practices. As it is a computer network that connects smaller networks, it gives you the ability to communicate and share information from almost anywhere in the world.

As these potential members of staff have different experiences and backgrounds, they all have something worthwhile to bring to your business to help drive it forward. So, when you’re eager to start your business, there’s no better time to start but now.

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